As we
continue to explore text structure, I stumbled, literally, into compare and
contrast. We were working in Science,
and, as we were reading, bam-there it was. It was a moment I wasn’t
expecting-which was good-because it got me thinking. It kept me on my toes. It, well, showed I needed to pay more
attention to what I was doing! I think
that this is what is now an authentic part of teaching again. It is so easy just to look at a manual,
follow it along (which I abhor to be honest, but, do so for planning), and
read, talk, and complete with the students.
It is where I have been since I’m still not totally stable in my grade
level. So, that’s what happened to me. I had planned along, not paying any attention
to what was going on in the READING part of science, when-BAHM! I got hit with compare and contrast and I,
honestly, fumbled! I dropped the ball
and did what any unsuspecting teacher does-I waited till the next chance I had
and backtracked!
backtracked in my reading block. First,
I passed out the Compare and Contrast text structure page to put in their
reading journals and we went over it. The thing about this information is that
in Florida they use specific word choices on the FCAT-similarities and
differences. I had thought of the traffic
light idea.
Similarities is when you
should STOP and look for ways that are alike.
Differences are when we should GO and find things in the reading that
aren’t the same. We drew a nice traffic
light in our reading journals and went to town in our science books filling out
the graphic organizer.

As you can see, it is not the
traditional compare and contrast graphic organizer. In fact, one of my kids asked, “Can we use a
Venn Diagram?” Here’s what I then asked,
“How many of you are frustrated by the tiny space to write the same information
in in a Venn diagram?” I had never
thought to ask that before! I know it
drives me nuts! You have to squeeze the
information in there as an adult, with tiny handwriting! It looks terrible! It’s hard to read and many times it doesn’t
make sense because it’s so little! The
kids gave me those reasons too! I
explained that this graphic organizer was like a Venn diagram except that the
similarities go inside the circle and the differences go in the boxes! And they gave it a shot and did very well
with it!
The next
day, we examined a chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am telling you, I have gotten a lot of mileage
out of this book! Roald Dahl is a master
level writer! He has hidden things in this
text that I , as a teacher, have never noticed before! He so completely does
the compare and contrast thing! The
chapter we used for this exercise is chapter 16. This is the chapter where Augustus Gloop goes
up the pipe. This is clearly a cause and effect chapter, but, hidden away in
these moments of cause and effect are the comparing and contrasting of the
behavior of the family groups. This is
what I was after-the deeper root of the problem of all of the families coming
out in the comparing and contrasting of their reactions to what Augustus
First, we
reviewed our chart. If you notice, I
didn’t talk about the yellow light yet.
That’s because it wasn’t there at first. Well, the light was, but not
the phrase. That phrase came from a
As we were entering the
classroom after lunch, he looked at me and said, “Mrs. Santello, I know what
the yellow light is! It is slow down to find similarities and
differences!” Why, yes it is, isn’t
it! I so wish I had thought of
that! As a class, we discussed how this
phrase was so perfect for this light!
And, we added it to our reading journals! How could we pass up such genius! After that, I explained to them that they
would be creating the same diagram in their reading journals and looking at the
way the families acted. I excluded Willy
Wonka and the Oompa-Loompas. These were
off limits, as I wanted them to begin to look toward what Roald Dahl’s deeper
message is.

Once the
kids finished, I passed out a post it note that I asked them to cut in half
with the sticky side at the top. While
they were working, I used chart paper to create the same diagram in a larger
model. I asked them to write one
similarity and one difference that they felt would represent a thought that
others may not have come up with. Then I
had them place this on the chart. I
shared one or two that day and called it a wrap.

As an
opening discussion to the next lesson, I began to examine with the students
what they had discovered about the similarities and differences. From that, we began to look more closely at
the parents. How did the adults behave? What did they do that we could also
“see” the children doing? What was Roald Dahl saying? Together, with all this digging, the kids
came up with the idea that the parent’s behavior is why the children act
poorly. Can you say implied cause and
effect (Text structure coming next!)
This was not easy for them, but we worked it and we got there!
We will
continue to look at compare and contrast text structure with Violet Beauregarde
(otherwise known as No Regard Beauregarde with one of my former classes!) Can’t wait to see where that takes us!
And, now,
for a freebie! I have figured out how to
use Google Drive! That’s pretty exciting
to me! So, to share my excitement, I’ve
added the Compare and Contrast Text Structure Student Notebook Page. This is just one page from my new packet on
Text Structure. You can find it in my
TpT store. I hope you can use this great
page to work on text structures in your classroom Please share what’s going on in your rooms
too! How are you doing with text
structure? Do you have an ideas or
questions you would like to share? Be
sure to leave me a comment and we can all work together to find the answers!