Today I'm trying the "real" teachers of Five for Friday philosophy. Normally I pick five related things and post how they all go together. This weak I'm trying the "real' teacher idea of just posting 5 actual things that happened in my week or are coming up. So, here we go!
I really pushed myself last week and added a number of new products to my store! This is part of a group challenge and I'm plugging along! Here's a couple of the covers. If you click HERE, and choose "recently added", you can see all my new goodies! I'm proud of my hard work this past week!
Weight loss-over break-YE-AH!! I was totally shocked to discover that I had lost 7 pounds over break! WHOOT! How is the next thing people have been asking. There are a number of ways that I did this. First, I've been really coving myself in prayer. I've never done this before and I can honestly say, I think this is the biggest thing! Next, I started calorie counting right after New Years (in my new planner!!) And, finally, I've been exercising more. My husband got a new bike and we've been taking rides together! So, all of these together equaled 7 pounds! It is lovely!!
I've been working furiously on getting a Fairy Tales unit together for my class. The goal of this unit is to get my students focused on Point of View and how some characters are lacking it and others have an over abundance! This will draw an eye to how the story is told-first, second, or third person! We need a bit of practice in this, so I'm excited by some of the things I've developed. Here's a quick screen shot of one of the documents!
Just down the road from my house, this is happening! It is the Manatee County Fair! Last year I spent a good amount of time on the weekends volunteering there! This year, I've started before the Fair even opened! I helped set up the Arts and Crafts displays and it was so much fun! I will be volunteering again this year, looking for kids and adults I know as they pass by the cookie booth I work at!
I'm excited to be joining Zoe over at Zippadee Zazz to celebrate her blog launch! Zoe is one hard working Teacher-Author who focuses on clipart in her store! She runs an awesome Teacher-Author group too! So, take a minute and join this great giveaway celebrating her blog!
Congratulations on your weight loss! I just found your blog through the linky. I am working hard toward being healthier this year too. The fair looks like lots of fun!
Palmetto State Primary
Wow ~ 7 pounds ~ what an amazing accomplishment! I'd love to be in Florida where it's probably warm and sunny! enjoy the weekend!
Thanks Joni and Susan! So glad you stopped by! It does help to have good weather in the winter! The summer is a little different! It's like winter up north-it's hard to be outside!
HA! I thought you said the fair was in MANISTEE, as in MICHIGAN... there is NO WAY that fair was happening anywhere in Michigan NOW. Then I reread and saw the fair was in MANATEE, as in FLORIDA. NOW I get it!! Looks like fun... makes me wish I was down south!! Congrats on your weight loss! Kathleen
Kidpeople Classroom
Kathleen-I can see what you mean about no fair in Michigan right now! We are actually the first fair in the country most years! Every once in awhile there is one in California that beats us by a day! Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you back here! I'll be checking out your blog too!
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